A conversation with myself, well, just because really
So, what did I think of this year's Abbey Art Show?Well, I felt immensely proud to be part of the Abbey, I really thought the work was the strongest that I've seen in the time I have been working there. I particularly loved seeing Molly Hagan's paper stencils casting wonderful shadows on her studio wall, they reminded me of geometric patterns of the 1970s, as well as biological cells. I also really enjoyed seeing Sheila Selby's paintings of Camberwell, which I thought were very expressive and painted in gorgeous colours. Roy Rodger's painting of a pigeon was also a delight - the explosion of colour and brush marks really brought it to life! Julie Caves' books always make me smile, as does David Shillinglaw's wonderful outpourings of creativity. It was kinda all fab, I could go on all night, but I have a tax return to do...!
And what did I show this year?I had full use of the Cabinet again this year, which I felt extremely lucky about. It's situated in what probably is and feels like an old Victorian arcade (I'm so terrible with knowing the *exact* history of the Abbey!) and it is literally an old cabinet with beautiful glass sliding doors. I hung 5 paintings in there, they were all paintings I had made during the time I live in the cottage at the Abbey, between 2008 - 2010. 3 of them included the image of a deer, which is an animal I find most beautiful. They're a great device for making a painting seem instantly magical, I find! Another was a painting of some sailing boats, which I made based on a found photograph, which I 'found' on a found photography course at Tate Modern. I've never said the word found 3 times in a coherent sentence before. Now the painting has found it's way back to the cottage and it feels like it is going home, that makes me feel all warm inside.

I also made full use of my studio, which kinda looked like a proper gallery-cum-shop. I was really pleased. I got to unveil my latest work to the public, 'An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty', a framed work on paper made with gouache, felt pens, coloured pencil and watercolour. It is a painting of a landscape I walked through in Japan in 2006, it's a subject I've painted before and doubt I will ever tire of. I imagine I will paint another version of it before the year is out. I also showed another new work, 'Looking Toward the City from the Heath', my biggest oil on canvas yet at 120cm x 150cm. I was delighted to hear that many visitors to the studio were charmed by both.
What 3 things will you remember about the Abbey Art Centre Summer Exhibition 2011?Kate's amazing Chocolate and Guinness cake being even better than last year's, all the kind things people said to me about my work, and just feeling so happy to see so many brilliant people and seeing some inspiring art work in one of the most beautiful places I have ever had the pleasure of encountering. Smiley face.
Thanks to James Strutt for the photographs